For those of you who know where we live, you know that for some reason Wal-Mart needs to be built literally on the other side of the street from our house. And because of this, all of God's creatures are homeless. This saddens me, until the mice started invading our I know God created mice for a reason and I'm sure it wasn't to creap girls out, but still ICK!!! So after Raymond (not I) has captured and killed his lifetime's share (and dad too!) we thought we were finally done with these nasty rodents. This has been going on for at least 4-5 months and trust me I was done with them from the beginning.
Anyway, we were watching the UFC fights on Dec 27 and out of the corner of my eye I see one. And apparently this is the fat little dude that likes to eat everything in my of course I scream and Raymond and his cousin, Kevin, are turning over the chair and trying to "beat" the mouse out. It (probably scared to death) runs out of the chair and up under the couch. Unsuccesfully, the guys "beat" on that for a few minutes....meanwhile, I am sitting up on the counter in my kitchen looking at them through our window. No mouse appears (thank God, cuz I don't think I could witness what would have happened if it did). Raymond places a sticky trap in front of the couch, and several places in the kitchen. Within a day or so this little guy has been captured and dealt with.
Praying this was the last one......Jamie, Kendall and Lola came over. Jamie was helping me rearrange my kitchen stuff and Kendall and Raymond were putting up the surround sound. Lola, was Lola....well, poor Jamie was trying to empty out the last od the cabinets, while I was distracting Lola for a minute and all of a sudden I heard a pregnant woman scream! She had picked up my picnic basket and low and behold THE MOUSE ran out! Bless her heart, because if that was me, I would never, ever open that cabinet again! Trust me, we have a cabinet that I will NOT open! So, great we have another mouse! Raymond baited the traps again and set them out periodically through the kitchen. Well Tuesday I was making dinner and I noticed the taletale signs of a mouse (the poop) near one of the traps. I figured we had ourselves a smart little sucker that was just eating our bait and not getting "stuck" to the trap, so I carry on with what I'm doing and open our cabinet that our pasta and rice sides are in. There is spilled noodles and rice and seasonings everywhere (Yea!!), so Raymond got the joy of cleaning that (again, because of the never going in that cabinet thing) and while he's picking through all the opened bags but like 5 (out of around 20) the mouse jumps out!
By this point, this little guy's has a death warrent out and the reward just increased. I rushed home last night to hurry and finish picking up the house before our company came over and everytime I walked by this one cabinet I could hear scratching. Now, those who know me know that I don't handle dead things very of course I don't look (plus this IS the cabinet I refuse to open anyway!). Raymond comes home about an hour later, I tell him we might have a visitor in the cabinet, and as soon as he opened the door you could hear it squeeling : (. This bothered me, but Raymond took care of that....I won't go into details, but lets just say it didn't suffer long.
So long story short, hopefully we are done with the mice for a while!
Goofy faces
14 years ago
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